I want power in my words
I want passion in my eyes
and when i wake up i want life to be a surprise
I hate looking at myself and realizing that i don't like what i see. I hate looking back at things I did and wondering why I was like that. Every day there's something wrong. Just one trivial thing that can make me unhappy for just a moment. It's like it's not even possible to have a day without one bad feeling


 and that is perfectly fine

2 Jahre mit den wundervollsten Menschen der Welt

i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

Love is life. 
And if you miss love, you miss life

30. Mai 2009

When I met you I found me . .

Only Once . . .


Yes that's exactly what i think, show me what you feel, 
show me who you are, but do not show me every damn day your asshole page

Not everyone can relate to what you and I appreciate

close your eyes
clear your heart
let it go_______

 We're getting close now, don't turn away

_________I am tired 
            of feeling so 
            fucking worthless

__________________________________FUCK THE 14th FEBRUARY
____________________________________I LOVE YOU EVERYDAY
 You try .. you fail
 You try .. you fail
But the only true failure, is when you stop trying.

I feel like im waiting for something that isn’t going to happen

Christina Grimmie Ich Liebe sie <3

Destiny is for Losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to 
happen instead of making them happen
- Blair Waldorf -

Wer erinnert sich nicht an die Gute-Nacht-Geschichten aus seiner Kindheit? 
Da passt Aschenputtel der Schuh ;; der Frosch wird zum Prinzen + Dornröschen wachgeküsst. 
Es war einmal . . . + dann lebten sie glücklich bis an ihr Lebensende. 
Märchen - der Stoff aus dem die Träume sind. Das Problem ist nur . . 
//  > Märchen werden nicht wahr ! 
- G r e y ' s A n a t o m y . –

..........................................................-Serena; Gossip Girl- 

...........................................................Well, I'm sorry I'm not who you thought I was, 
...........................................................but what's happened is in the past & all I can 
...........................................................do is try to change but if you can't accept that then, 
...........................................................you aren't who I thought you were. 

.............................................................................Denn das Leben ist wie eine große Autobahn

................................lass uns nicht lange überlegen, sondern losfahr

.........................................................................................  .........................Wohin is egal und wo lang werd'n wir sehn 

................................................................Es wird immer weiter geh